What Happens When Wealth Corrupts an entire community? A massive Crime of Collusion!
The legal blunders of one of Sacramento's largest law firms contributed to his declining health and the
untimely death of Charles Nordby as he was gearing up to take on the giants of Sacramento.
But they had to do whatever they had to do to make sure that he didn't get his day in court.
Because the entire wealth of the Raley's/Teel fortune were in the balances.
Charles Nordby was called to testify in over 200 criminal prosecutions for the State of California in the course of his life.
In every court appearance where his professional and expert witness testimony was used, The State of California prevailed in their prosecutions. Charles Nordby never lost a court case in his whole life and he would not have lost his case against Raley's had the law firm representing them had obeyed the law. But they thought because they were the largest law firm in Sacramento,
that they could just do what ever they wanted and get away with it.
Downy, Brand, Seymour and Rohwer, along with their attorney's, Peter Glick, Robert Strauch and Kim Peterson may go down as the most inept and negligent legal representation that has ever transpired in a Sacramento courtroom.
What we have discovered in the paperwork of our father's court papers that what Downy, Brand, Seymour and Rohwer
did will open this case up and give Charles Nordby his day in court, posthumously.
Charles Nordby was entitled to a "Default Judgment" in his lawsuit against Raley's because of the stupidity and arrogance of this Sacramento Law firm. In our opinion, because they were such a Big Law firm in this Capitol city, that they could just do anything that they wanted, include add a little Post It note to the front of the court file. They even had the audacity to include Judge Gray's name on it. Judge Gray didn't even have jurisdiction over this case at this point. Once again, in our opinion, Downy, Brand, Seymour and Rohwer could have had the courts and the judges in their hip pockets. Their very deep hip pockets, which may have included the Teel's and Raley's hip pockets too which go straight down into the pits of hell.
A letter was sent to two Managing Partners of Downy Brand, aka Downy, Brand, Seymour and Rohwer during the years of Charles Nordby's lawsuit. The partners names are Scott Lewis Shapiro and Stanley Orin Van Vleck. These two attorney's know of this matter and they know that their law firm, along with Attorney Peter Glick created the legal nightmare that denied Charles Nordby his day in court. The same nightmare that will reoccur for one of Northern California's largest law firms.
And the family of Charles Nordby will be their nightmare.
It's just a matter of time before this bad dream becomes a reality.
But we will personally go after these attorney's for their participation of defrauding Charles Nordby and the Sacramento Courts. Their fraud stole his day in court.
Always Remember, FRAUD IS A CRIME!
Raley's FRAUD and the Law Firms FRAUD are both a perpetual fraud. Which means neither fraud has ended.
Both of these unending frauds will only come to an end when both companies choose to resolve this matter and stop defrauding Charles Nordby of what is rightfully his.
The more people who read and hear about this corruption at Raley's and the Law Firm of Downy Brand Seymour & Rohwer, the more justice our family gets.
Because both companies thought is was okay to destroy Charles Nordby without any qualms or remorse.
But we know that "The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly,
but they Grind Exceedingly Fine"